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Meet the Team

As a spin-off of the Frisian company Paques in Balk, what once started as a circular idea has grown into a real company. With proactive and enthusiastic employees and interns.

Fertipaq s600 is the product of Fertipaq, the liquid biological sulfur suspension from the water treatment plant the Thiopaq of Paques. In addition to the Fertipaq s600 concentrate, Fertipaq also sells sulfur cake, a raw material with a high dry matter content and various applications within and outside the agricultural and horticultural sector. Using Paques' Thiopaq installation, wastewater rich in hydrogen sulfide, or hydrogen sulfide, is desulphurized.

In the past, sulfuric acid was burned by industry, leading to acid rain. This had advantages for agriculture, as sufficient sulfur from deposition in the soil was available to farmers and market gardeners. But for humans and animals, burning sulfuric acid led to lung complaints.

Fertipaq's biological non-fossil sulfur has many advantages over chemical (powder) variants. The micro-size of the sulfur particles provide a larger contact surface, which means a faster surface reaction.

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